Welcome to Rocklaz Radio, where we’re on a mission to connect with guests from around the world, spanning diverse fields and backgrounds. Our goal? Setting a world record by featuring guests from every country. At Rocklaz, we firmly believe in unlocking everyone’s potential and enabling them to live a truly fulfilling life. Since 2021, we’ve been consistently delivering weekly episodes. Your host, Tanmay Shah, is genuinely enthusiastic about engaging with people. He brings a distinct perspective and poses relatable questions, making each dialogue truly special. Join us on this journey of exploration and growth.
His interviews are super interesting and inspiring! I love how they give an in depth view into the person's story and also gives an understanding of different cultures and viewpoints.
Link ⬇️
— Dorthe's Joy of Creation 💚🦋 (@DortheJOC) August 6, 2023
About the Hosts
Tanmay Shah
Tanmay Shah is a curious individual who loves to talk to people from diverse cultures and professional backgrounds. He is thrilled to hear stories and discover insights from multiple fields. Based in India, Tanmay has experience in various fields such as Tourism, Marketing, and Manufacturing. His wide array of interests includes art, science, entrepreneurship, technology, and social studies. In addition to hosting the podcast, Tanmay also hosts Twitter spaces and creates digital collectables. He has spoken at international conferences in London and curated international exhibition in Beijing.