Baby Girl, a Dedication to Mr. Devendra Patel.

Baby Girl

While I was making this art back in 2011-2012, I had thoughts of gifting this to my school teacher Mr. Devendra Patel. He was a big inspiration to me. I have big respect for him. He has had a big impact on my life. I got a lot of opportunities in school for leadership, management, and public speaking due to him. In 9th and 10th (high school) I have joined his photography vocational, we used to go for treks in forests, mountains, valleys, waterfalls, etc. It was a good time, a memory to be treasured.

When I was in school, he got married and had a daughter. Soon got divorced. I thought this painting would remind him of his daughter and give him solace. There were also conflicting thoughts, he was an alcoholic(unfortunately), this painting should not trigger anything extreme in him. So it stayed with me.

He passed away in mid-2021. I wish I would Have given it to him, no matter what. This art NFT will always remain dedicated to Mr. Devendra. That’s the least I could do.

Links to Buy this NFT:

My Last Photo with Mr. Devendra. Dec 2018, Panchgani.

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