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Country that has an AK-47 Gun on the flag – What does that tell you about its people? Let’s find out. Joining …

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#80 Myanmar: Golden Land’s Dark Turn A country that suffers …

I trust you are doing well. We are in the …

Join our Newsletter: Wish you a very Happy Friendship …

Ai Tools for making Video and latest Rocklaz Radio Episode.

‘Undercover Billionar’ is a reality TV series by Discovery. The …

Rocklaz Radio, ChatGPT Episode link: On Rocklaz Radio podcast …

To show your hidden NFTs on OpenSea 1. Go to …

Tanmay Shah's Video & Podcast interviews as Guest Speaker : – Photo editing: Restoring old photos, B&W to colour, …

This is a comprehensive Blog on NFTs for artists. I have covered Why, what and How along with tips from personal experience and study. 

Books: Everything Figureoutable – Marie Forleo The Compound Effect Start …

Meaning of Title and the Art: This whole artwork is …

While I was making this art back in 2011-2012, I …

Your NFTs will be lost. Freeze Metadata to save you NFTs! You need to freeze your Metada

Gender is a complex variable that is a part of social, cultural, economic and political contexts. Gender refers to socially constructed differences between men and women, whereas Sex refers to biological differences between men and women. Being socially constructed, gender differences vary depending on age, marital status, religion, ethnicity, culture, race, class/caste and so on. Sexual differences very little across these variables.

Biomimicry is learning from nature. Mimicking nature for our own …

Internet= The world Hosting= City Website= your site= Home/ Company …

What have been the Major view on Population Growth and Control?

“ethnos” means ‘People’, hence etno-Development is the approach that is concerned with the development of local people and indigenous culture. It implies that development should come from within the society not from outside, it must be participatory and community based.

Developments in the notion of development.

There are several connotations about development, such as development as growth, development as change or transformation and development as modernization.

Culture is meant by which man is able to maintain physical, mental and intellectual existence needs. Man is not only a biological social being but it has its psychological needs also. For survival, these needs should be fulfilled.

Make your own delicious Mango Ice Cream at home! Enjoy. Very easy. You will forget commercially made icecream after this.

Social stratification is a hierarchical ranking system often represented as a ladder in which there are differences in access to social resources. Individuals at the top rank have more access, while those at the bottom lack social resources, which can be termed as structured inequality. The functionalist perspective on social stratification proposes that social stratification is inevitable in society and is therefore universal.

Make your own Delicious Chocolate ice cream at home. Delicious, smooth Filling. You won't get tempted by commercially made ice cream again.

Neo-Functionalism sprouted from the interest in Talcott Parsons theory on Functionalism. The basic aim has been to merge strong points of...

Liberty defination: 1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases. b : freedom from physical restraint. c :...

Karl Marx’s perspective on class revolves around capitalism and mode of Production. He divides class structure based on ownership of...

Raja a Desi/stray dog we adopted, we just feed him and he guards at night, day time he chills around, not leashed. He was missing for 3...

Why Cow wander around in India? Why so much hunger when Steak is all around? And my responce to this Q

It's great to remind ourselves of these basic wisdom points. I have designed these wallpapers for everyone to download for free.

Hack for merging video quickly. Without loosing quality. Without using heavy video editing software.

If you had the power to Travel in Time. Would you still have preferred to live in the present without making any alterations?

Explainging Paradox of Choise in simple words. Linds to further research as well.

How haveing editional items reduces the benifit derived with every addition? Video included to.

Searching for a reason to live? Do you feel hopeless and Frustrated? Death or Life choice? Its not a "how to" actually, just discussing life

Deraming freely. Observation.